I’m using working on WordPress as my excuse to write and learn. I hope to write on subjects important and interesting to me, personal or professional.

  • Why?

    >My wife accuses me, rightly so, of asking this question too often. It is one thing, of many, that I do that annoys her. She asks me a question, for example, “can you please get me that bag of flour from the pantry?” My typical retort is “why?” And when I do, and her exasperation…

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  • Using Realtime Capabilities To Manage Type 1 Diabetes (Part 1)

    >In February 2018, my family of four — wife, 6-year-old boy and 3-year-old girl — were thrust quite suddenly into the world of Type 1 diabetes. We spent about five days in the hospital trying to stabilize my daughter and learning a whole lot about how to manage the life-threatening disease that would be with…

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